4 Meaningful Catholic Wedding Traditions

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I’ve photographed and attended many different Catholic weddings and I always remembered the way they differed from each other because of the traditions they incorporated into their nuptial mass. Not only do these traditions create beautiful photos, but they make your ceremony more unique and meaningful for you as a couple. Here are my 4 favorite Catholic wedding traditions to include in the nuptial mass!

rosary and bouquet Catholic wedding traditions photography st. louis based travel photographer

Rosary on bridal bouquet

One of my favorite ways to incorporate Mary into the details of your wedding is by wrapping a rosary around your bridal bouquet. This rosary could be from your first communion as a child, your great-grandmother’s, or even a family heirloom. To make the bouquet extra special, you can add a medal of a Saint whom you have a devotion to onto your rosary. Don’t forget to ask for their intercession before you walk down the aisle!

Croatian crucifix Catholic wedding traditions photography st. louis based travel photographer

Croatian Crucifix

My best friend married a Croatian Catholic and included this touching tradition to her wedding. Also known as the “marriage crucifix,” it originated from a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina. When you approach the altar, the priest says, “You have found your cross and it is a cross to be loved, to be carried, a cross not to be thrown away, but to be cherished," after which he blesses the Crucifix. During the exchange of vows, the groom holds the crucifix in his right hand while the bride places her’s on the top of the crucifix as a symbol of your unity as husband and wife. Before kissing each other, you first kiss the figure of Christ. This tradition points to the source of your love, Jesus on the cross. This cross can then be placed in your home as a reminder of your commitment to each other and our Lord. I recommend placing it somewhere where you can pray in front of it both in times of gratitude and of difficulty.

el lasso Catholic wedding traditions photography st. louis based travel photographer

El Lasso

My Filipino aunt suggested this longstanding tradition for my wedding and I’ve been kicking myself ever since for not including it! Dating back to the 14th century, the lasso is popular among Mexican, Filipino, and Spanish communities, but can be practiced by anyone. It symbolizes unity and a shared responsibility of marriage and the raising of children. An oversized rosary, or rope, is placed on your shoulders by the wedding sponsors of your choosing. The lasso forms a figure-eight shape which is symbolic of new beginnings in scripture. The priest then prays, “let the union of binding together this rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary be an inspiration to you both. Remember the holiness necessary to preserve your new family can only be obtained by mutual sacrifice and love.” The rosary is worn for the remainder of the ceremony and is removed by the priest or the wedding sponsors before the bride and groom make their bouquet offering to Mary.

flowers to Mary and Joseph the Holy Family Catholic wedding traditions photography st. louis based travel photographer

Flowers to the Holy Family

While many couples bring flowers to Mary, my husband and I have a special devotion to St. Joseph as well, so it made perfect sense to us to bring flowers to them both! What better way to start your holy family than by the invocation of the Holy Family into your marriage? In this tradition, flowers are not only brought to Mary but to St. Joseph as well. If your church has either a picture or statue of the Holy Family or of St. Joseph and Mary together, then that would be the ideal spot to place flowers and ask for their intercession. Mary and St. Joseph are the perfect example of a harmonious marriage. If this tradition speaks to you, I encourage you to consecrate yourselves to Mary and St. Joseph during your marriage prep so they can walk with you throughout your married life.


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